Emmy Dillon
Scholarship Chairman
Emmy Dillon is a First Officer flying international cargo and serves as our Scholarship Chairwoman. She has been a member of the Ninety-Nines since 2014 and a member of the San Diego Chapter since 2020.
In her role as the Scholarship Chairwoman, she is your go-to person for applying for the AEMSF and First Wings Award Scholarships - As a former AEMSF and WAI scholarship recipient, use her knowledge and experience as a resource for finding scholarships, applying for scholarships, reviewing your application packages, etc. Whatever you may need help with regarding scholarships, Emmy is your gal and excited to help!
Her background in aviation includes flight instruction, single-engine domestic ferry flying, fixed-wing air ambulance, charter flight operations and management, and cargo. Additionally, she is an air racer and warbird pilot.